Sea Eagle Kayaks and Grandkids. A perfect combination.

Grandparents often have the time and energy to spend with their Grandkids that they didn't have as parents. But how do you get your Grandkids to turn off their IPad, or their IPhone, or any of the other mind numbing devices to just spend some quality time with Grandpa or Grandma? Buy a Sea Eagle kayak and head to a nearby lake. It will change your life and hopefully change your grandkids lives as well. Kayaking Grandpa Galen Erickson mixed in some tech savvy and writing skills and published Grandpa Adventures a blog about his various adventures with Grandkids Sofia, Marcus,and Bryson each telling their own stories with pictures and videos. Take some time to scroll down these real life blog entries. What's your story? So Grandpa or Grandma isn't it time for you to get started on your adventure ? We can help. Call Grandpa Tim or Grandma Crystal at 928-713-7597 and we'll help get you started.
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